Export Import Bank debate in the US
Ex-Im Bank of the USA is a federal government backed institution which specialises in trade finance. It is similar in functions to I ndia's Exim bank except that Indian Exim bank doesn't get into trade insurance, which is handled by another body called Export Credit Guarantee corporation of India . In fact, India's Exim bank copies most of the functions of US Ex-Im bank given that US institution predates Indian one by more than five decades. US Ex-Im bank is under threat of being de-authorized , unless the US congress re-authorizes it shortly. The bank's critics, mainly the republicans, bank on the argument that such subsidising banks lead to market distortion and help private sector players, and therefore, they are a form of corporate welfare scheme. They choose the winners in the private sector by choosing whom to help by providing easy access to credit for international trade. It is nothing but crony capitalism in another form, subsidising the rich.